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Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Bucks Students visit Pinewood Studios and Centroid - home of Europe's Largest Motion Capture Studio

Yesterday a group of students from Bucks went to visit the Motion Capture studio Centroid, based in Pinewood Studios. Motion Capture, sometimes called "Performance Capture", is an animation technique which captures real-time actor's performances and turns them into digital data which can be used to create animated characters - like the character "Gollum" played by Andy Serkis in The Lord of The Rings.

Bucks and Centroid are pioneering a partnership that will offer Centroid opportunities for research and development, and also give the students a chance to use a leading industry facility for their student films. It's just the kind of thing that universities should be doing - partnering with industry to create a mutually beneficial relationship.
Pinewood Studios - home of 007

Monday, 3 December 2012

FLIP: Film Review: The Hobbit - an Unexpectedly Long Jou...

Film Review: The Hobbit - an Unexpectedly Long Jou...: The Hobbit, part 1. But why three parts? As anticipation builds for the December 14 release date of Peter Jackson 's latest journey to M...