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Sunday, 24 March 2013

The Twelve Principles of Animation - start learning today!

What is Animation all about? For a general introduction to the medium, and a beginners guide to the language and basic principles of animation, watch this video above.

The original "12 Principles" date back to the Disney Studio in Los Angeles in the 1930s, and we still apply the same rules today. So hop into our animation time-machine and travel back to the glory days of Hollywood and find out what makes the medium tick.

Here is the second part - it will take you about 20 minutes to watch both videos.
Watching videos online is an excellent way to learn. As long as you have a decent broadband connection, online study is no longer the poor relation of learning in the classroom. Here at Bucks we believe in Blended Learning, a mixture of online lectures and classroom tutorials.

Watching lectures online frees up precious classroom time for individual tutorials and one-on-one study, giving students a better experience and enabling us - the teachers - to give more individual tuition. We believe that this is a better way to teach and represents the future of education.

Just as importantly, it's the only way to deliver a really high quality training in our complex and growing industry without increasing course fees. We have a keen eye on the bottom line and we want to offer every student the very best value we can.


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