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Friday, 6 September 2013

What Do We Expect Of Our Students at Bucks?

What do we expect of our new students? And, conversely, what can our students expect from us? After all, education is not one-way traffic. Nowadays, students are paying a lot of money for  a university education, and they can (and should) expect a lot in return. Below is a list of what we expect of our students, and what they can expect from their tutors.

What we expect from our students:
  1. Turn up to class on time. Nothing is more frustrating for a tutor than students who are late. Not just because it is disrespectful, but because if you're late, you will miss out on the crucial early minutes of a class when you are having the day's task explained to you. If you wander in a half hour late, the tutor has to take time out to explain to you, personally, what you missed. Everyone is late on occasion for unforeseeable reasons, but try not to make a habit of it.
  2. Do your classwork - to the best of your ability. This is obvious - do the work set for you.  Animation takes a long time to learn (see the 10,000 hour rule here), and if you don't complete the exercises, you will get lost and fall behind. 
  3. Help out your fellow students. In the workplace, your number one resource is not your boss or supervisor - it's the person sitting next to you. Here at Bucks we have many talented students and you may learn as much from them as you will from your tutors.
  4. If you in trouble for any reason, let us know. If you're having problems of any kind, come and see us. Don't wait until you've missed a month of classes to tell us that you are having severe health difficulties. We are here to help, but if you don't tell us you're stuck, we won't necessarily know about it.
What our students can expect from us:
  1. Turn up on time. Faculty should be on time, for every class, unless there is a very good reason. I drive in from London, and sometimes the M40 can be a parking lot. But, random unforseeable problems aside, you should expect us (like you) to be on time every day.
  2. Professional, relevant teaching. Students have paid for a course which teaches industry relevant skills in an effective and clear way. We want to be the best course in the country for Animation and VFX - and we aim to deliver on that promise.
  3. Help every student achieve their potential. We want all our students to be awesome digital artists. Our job is to help every individual achieve the highest possible standards. If you need help - ask us - it's our job to help out.
  4. Let our students know how they are getting on. Evaluation is important so each student knows how they are doing. If your grades are low, we will do our best to help you to understand why, and what you can do to fix it.  
This list probably isn't as comprehensive as it might be. If you can think of anything important that I have missed out, that ought to be included, let me know.


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