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Wednesday, 11 December 2013

The Daily Telegraph ranks Bucks in top 14 Creative Universities

Art and Industry - what Bucks is all about
Recently the online magazine Huffington Post ranked Bucks in the top 12 Creative Universities in the UK. Now the Telegraph has weighed in, including us in a list of the 14 most creative universities in the UK.  So why are we in this list? The answer lies in the massive £40million investment made a few years ago in our shiny new Gateway media building - an investment that is now beginning to pay off handsomely.

According to The Telegraph, the list was compiled by the consumer group Which?, who asked more than 16,000 students in the UK tell them if music, theatre, dance, choirs and the visual arts played a large part in university life.

The results came from two separate surveys. One was conducted this past summer and one was done in 2012. There is no order to the rankings. We're not number 14 - we are among the 14.

Gateway Building - opened in 2010

I have never taught at a University that had better facilities for making media than we have here at Bucks. Our animation students collaborate with sound designers, dancers, actors, musicians, live action film-makers and - ready to go live in early 2014 - a new motion capture facility. We're even trying to figure out ways of collaborating the fashion students. I don't know quite how yet - but we'll figure it out.

All great film-makers are collaborators, and almost every successful media project that any of us work on will be a collaboration of one kind or another. Look at any great director or film-maker and you will find a hugely talented team standing behind them.

There are many ways that or students collaborate. One of them is the Bucks Media Collaborations page at Facebook, which brings different departments together to collaborate on their projects.

To take a look for yourself at what we offer at Bucks, drop in to one of our open days. In fact, we have one tomorrow, from 5.30pm to 9pm. More details here.


(Editor's note: for more on collaborations between departments, check out this piece on the super-useful Bucks Media Collaborations page. To take a virtual tour of some of our excellent facilities, read this article.  And to see how serious we are about making sure our students are technically proficient, find out about why we're giving away free laptops to our new students.)

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