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Monday, 6 January 2014

What do our students think of our course?

We want to offer the very best Animation and Visual Effects in the country. That's a big ambition, and since our course has just launched, it will be a couple of years before anyone can really judge us on whether we have achieved that goal.

In the meantime, judge us on our students' work, and the work of our tutors. How else can you tell how we're getting on? Well, check out the interview above with our new students, where they talk about their experience of the new course over the past few months. They've only just got underway with their new careers as digital artists, but we're proud of the excellent work they have done so far.


(Editor's Note: To see the excellent work done by our students, see this post. Also check out the first exercise done by our new 2012 students here. Take a look at the animation of Jack Strood, as well as our latest commercial project for Rocketseed, our short film done for a global aid agency, and check out the excellent work of some of our recent graduates, such as designer Monika Dzikowicz, architectural visualisation specialist Krsytof Michalski, Alex Whitfield and the 3D artwork of Mike Swan. )

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