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Thursday, 20 July 2017

Stuart Penn Talks Alien Covenant on 3rd August

Stuart Penn
Framestore VFX Supervisor Stuart Penn will be talking about his work at a free event in London in two weeks, on Thursday 3rd August at 6.30pm.

Stuart's work includes the digital oil refinery "Hell's Gate" on James Cameron's Avatar, the Hong Kong sequence of Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight, the development of the Extremis effect for Marvel's Iron Man 3 and the "Knowhere" environment for Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy.

Stuart will be talking about his recent work as VFX supervisor on Ridley Scott’s Alien: Covenant. We encourage all our students to attend - and ask questions. This is a chance to meet a successful industry professional and ask him - how does a student artist break into this field?

Alien Covenant
What is this all about?
It's the latest in the series of "Evenings With..." events organised by London's Escape Studios. These events are windows into the animation and VFX industry; they are also completely free and a great opportunity to find out what makes the industry tick, and start to build contacts.  Escape even serve free beer and pizza! To sign up, follow this link.

Where and When?
Thursday, August 3rd at 6:30 PM at Escape Studios Shepherd's Bush. Shepherds West, Rockley Rd, London W14 0DA

How much is it?
It's free!

How do you sign up? 
To sign up, follow this link.

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