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Sunday, 10 September 2017

Alexi Balian Animation Art & Design Academy

Alexi Balian was one of the first students to enroll in our Online MA in 3D animation at Bucks. He graduated last week, becoming one of the first-ever students anywhere in the world to receive his animation MA purely online.

Alexi has now made a career of teaching animation. In his capacity as Provincial and National Skills Canada Chair for 2D and 3D Character Animation, Alexi also runs workshops and seminars in Canada through his Animation Art & Design Academy.

Workshops at the Art & Design Academy
Alexi's work is a reminder that studying animation isn't necessarily always about getting a job at an animation studio. It can also be about communicating your love of the medium to others, and helping them develop their skills.

Figuring out how to get kids and young adults excited about animation is no small challenge, in part because the early technical barriers can be high, and animation requires a lot of patience to get right. If it's done wrong, learning animation can be a frustrating experience.

So congratulations to Alexi on figuring this stuff out, and working out a system for helping young people learn about the art and craft of this incredible medium.

For more on the experience of studying at Bucks New University, come and visit us at one of our Open Days, take a virtual tour of one of our animation studios, check out what our students think of our course, and see why we're ranked in the top 12 creative universities in the UK.

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