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Tuesday, 23 March 2021

BNU "No Detriment" Policy

Last year Bucks New Uni introduced a "no detriment" policy in response to the Corona Virus Pandemic. The policy remains in force, and - in effect - gives students an extra 10 working days (two calendar weeks) to hand in assessments, beyond the formal deadline.

"No detriment" means that the work submitted will not suffer any detriment, ie it will still be graded as if it were handed in on time.

No Detriment Policy
However, it is important to note that the No Detriment Policy is not a formal extension of the deadline.  Rather, it is an acknowledgement by BNU that some students will be forced by exceptional circumstances to hand their work in late, and they will suffer "no detriment" as a result. 

Official Site
To see the policy at the official site and understand it in detail, follow this link:

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