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Monday, 25 July 2022

DA701 Locomotion & Mechanics Starts 26 Sept

"Journey of Life" by Robin Herrmann
DA701 Animation Mechanics is the first module that our new MA animation students will encounter at Bucks.

DA701 starts on 26 September 2022, and is taught primarily in Autodesk Maya. The module deals with animation basics, such as locomotion and mechanics.

It starts with simple actions such as a bouncing ball, and builds up to more complex physical actions, such as jumps and throws. There are two assignments due: DA701 PR1, and DA701 CW1. DA701 PR1 is due on Friday 9th December at 2pm.

DA701 Animation Mechanics
DA701 PR1 "School Run" by Lee Caller
Animation Mechanics is an introductory module (worth 30 credits) in which students learn the basics of 3D animation. The module begins with a basic introduction to the Maya interface, and is followed by basic mechanics exercises such as the bouncing ball.

Walks, Runs & Jumps
Students then tackle lomocotion, starting with walks, character walks, and runs, and then move onto more complex physical actions such as jumps, weight shifts, and exercises in flexibility. The module culminates in an assessed locomotion exercise.

DA701 Assessement
There are two assessed assignments to submit:
  • DA701 PR1, a practical assignment, worth 70% of the marks in the module
  • DA701 CW1, an academic assignment, worth 30% of the marks in the module
"Circus Comes to Town" by Neil Whitman

DA701 PR1 - Character Locomotion
DA701 PR1 is an exercise based on character locomotion. The brief is to create a number of character walk cycles and then combine them into one shot to create a performance.

Suggestions might include a parade, a Sunday stroll, an army on the march, or people commuting. Ideally there should be a story-telling element, and the piece should include sound effects and music. The piece should be around ten seconds long.

Books - The Animator's Survival Kit
Students are encouraged to start work earlier by reading the core text "The Animator's Survival Kit" by Richard Williams, and start to learn the Maya user interface.  

Class Schedule
Class begins on 26 September 2022:

Student work
To see some examples of work in this module, watch the videos below.

Circus Comes to Town by Neil Whitman
Neil Whitman animated "Monty" as a parade of circus clowns, in the imaginative piece below.

School Run by Lee Caller
Lee Caller animated a series of alien characters heading off to school one morning. 

Zombie parade by Amedeo Beretta
Amedeo Beretta imagined DA701 PR1 as a zombie walk.

Assignment submission
Zombie walk by Amedeo Beretta
DA701 PR1 is due on Friday 9th December 2022 at 2pm. Please upload your video to YouTube and email the link to me at  

Students are also assessed on their development and pre-production, so please attach to the email a single PDF document showing evidence of planning, such as thumbnail sketches and/or live action reference.  Alternatively, this can be uploaded to your blog or website.

Assesssment Criteria
Creativity & Pre-Production– 25% 
Powers of imagination – powers of invention/innovation both practical and visual – ability to generate a broad range of ideas – ability to select the best idea and refine it ready for production. Is the idea selected appropriate for the brief? Thumbnail sketches, storyboards and/or live action reference.

Production – 25%
Zombie walk by Michael Davies
Does the animation show an understanding of the twelve principles of animation? Does the shot have weight and flexibility? Has the animator given a performance? Have cameras been used appropriately? Is the animation correctly lit, and have appropriate textures been used?

Post-production – 25%
Has a successful final render been created? Have titles and credits been used appropriately? Has sound and/or music been applied successfully? Is the sound clear?

Quality of Outcome – 25%
Fitness for purpose – does the outcome answer the brief – Economy of means used (effective use of software) – Practicality – Complexity or Ambitiousness

Late Submissions
We strongly encourage all our students to submit their assignments on time, ideally well before the deadline. Students can get feedback at our Facebook Classroom at any time, and are strongly encouraged to send work in progress for review prior to the submission date.  If your submission is late, you will need to apply for Mitigating Circumstances. To find out more, read this post

Intro to DA701 with Alex Williams
To find out more about this module, watch the video below. 

Locomotion Resources
For resources on locomotion generally, see the blog posts below:

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