Wednesday 13 April 2022

Paul Hilton External Examiner at BNU

Paul Hilton
We're extending a very warm welcome to Paul Hilton, our new External Examiner for our Online MA in 3D animation.  Paul is a Senior Lecturer on the BA (Hons) in Animation at The Arts University Bournemouth (AUB), making him well qualified to keep an eye on our animation work here at Bucks.

External examiners ensure that standards are consistent across the animation sector. They check our grades, making sure we're awarding marks appropriately, and that our standards are consistent with other universities and colleges in the UK.

Of course, we also second mark all the grades at MA level at Bucks, but the role of the external examiner is to add a third layer of quality control to make sure everything is done right.

Lecturer at AUB
Paul Hilton is a Senior Lecturer on the BA (Hons) in Animation course at the Arts University Bournemouth (AUB), where students tackle animation in a broad range of media, from stop-motion to 2D animation and - of course - 3D digital animation.

Paul brings his years of knowledge, understanding and enthusiasm for Animation to our course, helping to make sure our standards are appropriate and correct.

The Role of an External Examiner
"Journey of Life" by Robin Herrmann
External examiners ensure that standards are consistent across the animation sector. They check our grades, making sure we're awarding marks appropriately, and that our standards are consistent with other universities and colleges in the UK.

For our MA students, this involves double-checking our marks, to make sure that both first and second marking (we second-mark all the results internally) has been carried out fairly, in accordance with Bucks New Uni regulations.

We're delighted to have Paul on board to keep an eye on us, making sure that our work and our marking is of the highest standard. 

Academic Resources at BNU
To see some resources for academic regulations and deadlines at BNU, follow the links below:

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