Saturday 24 August 2024

Academic Deadlines MA Animation 2024-26

2021-2023 deadlines
Below is a list of deadlines for our online MA in 3D Animation for Professionals. This is for our new cohort of student animators, those who are joining us in September 2024, and will graduate "Master of Arts" in the summer of 2026.

Note that this list of deadlines is a draft list only, and is subject to change. Students should always check the appropriate Module Guide and Assignment Brief to be certain of the correct submission date. And, of course, check with your tutor.

This list gives our MA students a broad idea of what to expect over the coming 18 months.  But always double-check these dates - if in doubt, email your tutor.

Friday 23 August 2024

COM7025 (Professional Prep) Starts 7 Oct 2024

Animation by BNU graduate Robin Herrmann
Module COM7025 (Professional Prep) Starts 7 Oct 2024.  In this module, which aims to get students ready for the animation industry, students put together a professional-level animation demo reel, and also write a report on the animation industry.   

The theoretical Assignment (Animation Industry Report) is due on Friday 13th December 2024, before 2pm. Demo Reel & Portfolio is due on Friday 10th January 2025, before 2pm. 

Friday 16 August 2024

Which Country Has The Most Animation Studios?

UK Animation is thriving
Which Country has the most animation studios? The answer, of course, is the USA, with over 6,000 animation studios, of which around 1,100 have employees (ie not just a sole freelancer working alone).  

But who is number two? You might be surprised to learn that the number two spot is taken - not by India, Japan or China - but by...

Wednesday 14 August 2024

Academic Deadlines MA Animation 2023-25

2023-26 Deadlines

Below is a list of deadlines for our online MA in 3D Animation for Professionals. This is for our cohort of student animators who joined us in September 2023, and will graduate "Master of Arts" in the summer of 2025.

The next deadline for our 2023-25 students is COM7024 PR1 "Animals & Creatures", due on Friday 13th September 2024 at 2pm.

The following deadline is Friday 13th December 2024, when students write a written report on the state of the animation industry, COM7025 CW1. 

Monday 12 August 2024

Last Call for Online MA in Animation Sept 2024

Animation by BNU graduate Neil Whitman
Last chance to book your place on our MA in 3D Animation for Professionals.

The online MA in animation at BNU was launched in 2015 and was the very first of its kind - the first online MA in animation which could be undertaken by students anywhere in the world.  

Our MA 3D Animation for Professionals continues to partner with the online animation school, ensuring that all our MA Students graduate with industry-level skills.  Teaching starts on Monday 30 September 2024.

Sunday 11 August 2024

COM7021 Locomotion Starts 30 Sept 2024

COM7021 - Animation Locomotion - is the first module that our new animation students will encounter at BNU on the MA 3D Animation for Professionals.

COM7021 starts on Monday 30 September 2024, and is taught primarily in Autodesk Maya. The module deals with animation basics, such as walks, runs and jumps.

It starts with simple actions such as a bouncing ball, and builds up to more complex physical actions. There is one assignment due: COM7021 PR1. COM7021 PR1 is due on Friday 13th December 2024 at 2pm.